"I am usually motivated to write more when I am depressed, sad, angry, and even helpless. Perhaps writing is like a soul therapy for me, in which I don’t need any when I feel happy. "
my mere opinions/feelings/thoughts.
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All content inthis blog, including photos, are not to be saved, reproduced or forwarded without prior consent from me unless credit is given, n a link back has to be included.
Some of the info and views published are objectional and does not necessarily represent what I believe in, or endorse. Similarities to any being living or dead is purely coincidental.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

if no one's making any effort, nothing's gona happen...

"We were given:
two hands to hold,
two legs to walk,
two eyes to see,two ears to listen
But why only one heart?
Because the other was given to someone else
for us to find.."

"Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with this guy? If no.. then why do you even bother staying so long with him?"

"Just remember, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

"If u see no future for u and ur bf, seriously, let go of him. Else, try to solve it. this are the 2 choices."

reading elses' blogs.
these advices might come in handy someday...
people close or not to me,are facing rs probs.
no doubt,i encounter it at times.
nonetheless,it's easier said than done..

if it's meant to be,it's meant to be.
after all,everything will just be mere memories...

how much do u love your other half?
do u take them for granted?
are you aware of the peer pressure surround two?
do you face them in the 1st place?
how much are u willing to sacrifice for them?
do u make empty promises?
are u a part of ur gf/bf's life?


“我只想牽著 同樣的一對手 走到最後
同樣的一對手 牢牢緊握著 不放開。。。



區區三個字 “我愛你”-
如此簡單 卻使人困擾﹐ 難以做得到。

謝謝你的愛。。。 ^_^
