"I am usually motivated to write more when I am depressed, sad, angry, and even helpless. Perhaps writing is like a soul therapy for me, in which I don’t need any when I feel happy. "
my mere opinions/feelings/thoughts.
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Some of the info and views published are objectional and does not necessarily represent what I believe in, or endorse. Similarities to any being living or dead is purely coincidental.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

food for thought

hmmm..how possible is it for a person to remain dumb and retarded after one person asked the same question repeatedly for at least 6 times,waiting for a response, yet no one's replying despite patting on the hand lightly.

seems to me that the 2nd person is transparent.

ignorance is blissful.

there is no C.P. to me. only B.U. =)