"I am usually motivated to write more when I am depressed, sad, angry, and even helpless. Perhaps writing is like a soul therapy for me, in which I don’t need any when I feel happy. "
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Friday, April 30, 2010

sad to hear... sad to see..

was reading news at yahoo site.
happen to come across this pretty girl committing suicide news.
so sad to know abt that.
that went to her blog to find out more abt her.

life is so fragile.
knew she was planning it.
she's been pondering over it whether or not for mths.
everything in life was an act.
but who activated the button?
who caused her life to shut down?

is it you? is it him? who?
she's from a CHIJ school i supposed.had some common fwens,
but i never knew her existence.

it doesnt matter anymore.
she's gone.away with the wind.
a painful death-running from reality.
a decision made,not instantly.
carefully thought,implemented days ago.

haiz.now she knows the pple who care for her.
hope she'll be doing fine in God's arm.
(i dont think suicidals go to heaven.but oh well.
she's a rather good girl,so everything can be offset.)

take care, mel toh..