"I am usually motivated to write more when I am depressed, sad, angry, and even helpless. Perhaps writing is like a soul therapy for me, in which I don’t need any when I feel happy. "
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

durians? cravings!!!

In the morning/afternoon,ate/drank campbell soup as usual.

In the evening, ate 4 seeds of durians.

At night, ate zhai sheng mian n rojak as usual.

oh man

i crave for durians so much now after eating.
not the ones at chinatown.
not the ones at geylang.

but the ones at my bf's hse!!!

seeds small,flesh alot.
in a durian got more than 10 seeds.
yellow n yummy.
got bitter n sweet.up to you to decide which ones you prefer.
mere $7 per durian.
can get to bargain more cheaper price with more durians purchased. (duh!)


how can you not want to taste them right!?!

nowadays,tv shows not very interesting.
even cable tv shows not very nice too.

only watching channel8 9pm last episode today,
n channelU's 10pm show.

i know i still have alot of other shows downloaded/online to be watched.
but i'm so lazy staring at the small pathetic laptop screen,
as compared to the big plasma tv that's stuck to the wall.