"I am usually motivated to write more when I am depressed, sad, angry, and even helpless. Perhaps writing is like a soul therapy for me, in which I don’t need any when I feel happy. "
my mere opinions/feelings/thoughts.
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All content inthis blog, including photos, are not to be saved, reproduced or forwarded without prior consent from me unless credit is given, n a link back has to be included.
Some of the info and views published are objectional and does not necessarily represent what I believe in, or endorse. Similarities to any being living or dead is purely coincidental.

Friday, July 24, 2009

what have i been doing?

i've been "fishing" on facebook ya know?
damn tiring.every 15 mins hafta click on it.
luckily i can use broadband n gprs everywhere to fish it.haha.
i know it's damn spastic.
below is my proud'est achievement.

anw,been wanting to take bridal shots.
baobei got mention to his photographer fwen too,buden impossible.
took before once with my family.but it's low quality kind.not nice.
at least i dont like.
the clothes dont suit me,of the shelf kind.=(
hope somewhere real dirt cheap can gimi the kind i want/like.
hmmmm...maybe like this,from thy-dowager's blog:

sis gg to thai tmr.i want to go!
i want to shop to dead leh!awww...

n i bling'ed half of my new phone.
already spent $20plus on half the back of the phone already.
thinking i shall give up le.lolz..